# Changelog and Release Notes
# v1.5.3 (November 22nd, 2024)
- Fix bug when parsing $SIGMA block with SAME option
# v1.5.2 (October 25th, 2024)
- Fix bug that caused app to freeze when applying filter to model library for EV dose administration.
- Fix bug with duplicating model with SAME block under some circumstances.
# v1.5.1 (September 27th, 2024)
- Use native linux title bar in order to fix window resizing issues when accessing Finch via X11 forwarding
- Fix bug which prevented parameters from being parsed correctly when no omega or sigma block was present
# v1.5.0 (July 17th, 2024)
- Added interface for creating, selecting, and managing color palettes
- Access through palette icon in top right of "Evaluate" page > 'Manage Palettes'
- Added TMDD models to model library
- Added option to use passphrase for SSH connection
- Retain comment positions in $THETA, $OMEGA, $SIGMA when duplicating model
- Changed behavior to not change significant digits for fixed parameters when duplicating
- Added notifications when exporting project and using advanced delete to delete files
- Added warning for unsaved model when switching to a different project from Recent Project menu
- Bug fix when duplicating model with SAME record in certain instances
# v1.4.0 (January 27th, 2024)
- New interactive plot type: Live monitoring of parameter/OFV convergence
- Supports caclulation of CV% for more omega/sigma transformations.
- exponential, additive, logit, proportional, heavy-tail, and box-cox.
- Added plot setting option for residual diagnostic plot to select the independent x variable (i.e. use TSLD vs CWRES instead of TIME vs CWRES)
- Added option to set symmetric x and y axis for residual diagnostic plots
- Allows more granular selection of point size in default plot appearance settings.
- Fixed display issue when model or project name was very long.
# v1.3.4 (August 27th, 2023)
- Additional options for summary stats (percentiles, geo mean, etc).
- When exporting table, it will indicate what filters were applied.
- Fix bug when splitting summary stats table by categorical variable
- Fix bug that caused binning issue when x variable contained missing value for mean plots
- Fix parsing issue with some SAME omega blocks
- Perform filtering before one row per ID in tables
# v1.3.3 (August 1st, 2023)
- Fix bug in table stat summary when splitting by a variable (caused column headers to be undefined)
- Fix bug in the order of legend groups.
# v1.3.2 (July 24th, 2023)
- Add ability to export Finch plots to pdf files.
- When duplicating model with final estimates from parent, option to set the number of significant digits for initial estimates
- Plot legend improvements
- Continuous covariate groups now show up as "start - end" instead of "> start"
- Smaller so it doesn't take up plotting area
- Bug fix: when switching between projects that have models with same name, output data now reads in correctly
# v1.3.1 (July 7th, 2023)
- Add options for changing some plot aesthetics (i.e. point and line size, color and opacity)
- Access through paint pallette icon on top right when in evaluate view.
- New table type to create summary tables of your model output tables.
- Similar to observed data summary types, except uses the model output tables
- Allows you to create clearance summary stratified by race for example (or any other covariate group/parmeter of interest)
- Option to choose which type of residuals to plot in residual vs TIME, PRED plots (i.e. CWRES, IWRES, NPDE, etc )
- When modifying system $PATH variable in settings, it now uses that $PATH to look for the PsN location as well as in the built-in console.
- If you don't have permissions to add the PsN path to your sytem path variable, you can now add the psn location to the system Path under Settings > Path Variables > Prepend to Path
- Add option to establish SSH connection with password instead of only private key.
- Better display of mean line
- When adding mean line layer to the observed data plot, it now shows in the same color as the points, and the points are made transparent
- Option to show dosing lines in population observed plots
- Plot Settings > Plot Options > Show Dosing on Hover
- Dosing lines in individual plots can now be shown as a vertical line or as small ticks
# v1.3.0 (May 31st, 2023)
- Redesign model compare table and provide additional customization options
- Ability to select reference model, collapse different sections of table, and option to hide fixed parameter estimates
- Add option to export tables to word document (final parameter estimates table, model compare table, and stat summary tables)
- Add setting to specify user name (Settings > Misc > Username).
- Username appears in exported tables
- Allow spaces in data for .csv files
- For individual fit plots, add option to zoom based on DV, IPRED, and/or PRED
- Fixed axes now work for individual fit and individual observed plots
- Fix dataset explorer filtering issue for values of 0
- When switching to log axis for residual plots, CWRES remains on linear scale.
- Performance improvements for generation of interactive plots
- Minor plot styling changes
# v1.2.2 (May 3rd, 2023)
- Added functionality for keyboard insteractive SSH connection.
# v1.2.1 (April 26th, 2023)
- Fixes for R path and scripts on linux
# v1.2.0 (March 10th, 2023)
- Two new interactive diagnostic plots types
- Plot of individual OFV values (requires mod1.phi file to be present)
- Plot of parameter correlation matrix heat map (requires successful covariance step)
- SLURM Job Monitor for monitoring and canceling SLURM jobs on remote cluster.
- File > Open Job Monitor
- Advanced Execute option for executing commands on remote cluster, with options to copy files to remote directory prior to execution
- Right click model > Advanced Execute
- Ability to indicate "missingness" value for dataset variables (e.g. -99)
- Settings > Data >Missing Data Indicator
- Ability to toggle on AIC/BIC statistic in model results table
- Ability to create code folding blocks in control stream editor by starting line with ";--"
- e.g. ";-- PK Parameters"
- Speed improvements for loading large projects
- Ability to export tables to csv files.
- Switches to compact view (collapses side panels) when snapped to half screen
- Help > About now displays current installed Finch version.
- Fixed bug that resulted in model results table columns getting collapsed
# v1.1.0 (September 14th, 2022)
- Added ability to configure location of persisted Finch settings
- Added feature to allow user to discard unsaved changes (within model right click menu)
- Remember editor state (scroll position, folded blocks, cursor position) when switching back and forth between models
- Fixes bug with continuously expanding column in model results table.
- Change default terminal to local.
# v1.0.2 (September 12th, 2022)
- Fix bug which prevented data settings from being saved
- Hide select X and Y options in plot types where they were not used
- Fix bug which prevented data at Time == 0 from being plotted in population plot
# v1.0.1 (August 30th, 2022)
- Fix bug which prevented projectCommands.json from being created (leading to Run Model button not working)
# v1.0.0 (August 23rd, 2022) 🎉
Add functionality for customizing paths to data and models folders
Update license validation interface
- Beta licenses will no longer work starting in this version
Update EULA text during install
Remove unused features
Add more post-processing scripts
Fix bug that prevented covariates from refreshing automatically sometimes
Scroll bar for model results table on smaller screens
# v0.2.2 (August 7th, 2022)
Fix UI bug which caused plot and table menus to go off screen
On Mac, allow saving control stream with Command + S
Fix Help Menu on Mac (now goes to correct Finch links)
Better handling of missing covariate data within interactive plots/tables
Use sample standard deviation and variance in stat summary calculations (consistent with R)
Fix bug which caused directory listeners to not work when there was a bracket in project name
Read in output data when there is a detected change in ANY of the output tables (sdtab1, patab1, cotab1, catab1).
# v0.2.1 (July 22nd, 2022)
- MacOS specific fixes
- Environment $PATH now set correctly
- R defult path now set
- Model library updated
# v0.2.0 (July 19th, 2022)
Breaking change - license file and application settings now stored in directory named
Finch Studio
in users home directory- This makes it easier to configure the app for a group of individuals
- Also, you are now able to open multiple Finch Studio windows which did not work in the past.
- Will only require current users to reenter license key and persisted settings (i.e. any custom global run commands)
- This will not effect any project related files or functionality.
Interactive Statistical Summary Tables
Functionality for transforming plotted variables
- E.g. if the dataset has a DV column, and a DOSE column, you can now plot DV/DOSE
- Also works for transforming units - if TIME is in hours, you can now plot TIME/24 to transform units to days.
Option to overlay mean and SD in observed data plot
Links under the
drop down menu now go to the correct Finch sitesOnly show MDV === 0 rows in residual diagnostic plots.
Added MDV and EVID variables to output plot right panel to give ability for filtering out of MDV and/or EVID values.
# v0.1.0 (June 6th, 2022)
Model library updates
Better UX for browsing and filtering models
Added more model diagrams and control streams
Final estimates panel now shows how far final estimate moved from initial.
Option to lock a model, which prevents further edits to the model.
In Run Settings tab, there is now an option to run the command in a separate console window (Windows and Mac only)
In scripts Tab, functionality for copying a global script to local scripts folder for project specific editing of script.
Better performance for
tabAdd autocomplete for user defined variables in control stream
Persist sort order of results table
When duplicating a model, the new model is now set as the active model.
ETA(1:LAST) added to $TABLE for patab1 when creating a new model (requests all ETA parameters).
Better display of summary stats in data viewer. (values are rounded and percents are shown for counts)
Bug fixes
- $THETA parser bug fixed when FIXED was outside of parentheses.
- "output" folder changed to "outputs". For some reason nmfe will not run properly if a file or folder called output exists.
- Added horizontal scroll bar for overflowing content (i.e. dtat viewer)
# v0.0.8 (April 25th, 2022)
SSH/SFTP integration - ability to view files and execute commands on a remote server
Functionality to download/save plot
Add data table viewer to view nonmem dataset
- 'View' button on left panel next to data
Updates to model library modal
- Ability to set the values for the diagonal/off diagonals in the omega matrix
- Options for estimation method
Select multiple models on left panel with shift + click (similar to native file explorer behavior)
Add alert for confirmation before deleting a model or run command
Added toggle to include dosing lines in individual observed data plots and individual fit plots
Performance enhancements for plots (notable improvements for larger datasets)
Bug fixes/minor improvements
- Don't allow spaces at beginning or end of model name since Windows doesn't like this (spaces are automatically trimmed from beginning and end of model name if user accidentally adds them)
- Fixed scrolling issue in model comparison modal
- Fixed issue with RSEs displaying as negative value
- Fixed bug that prevented models from being read in when one model has a broken/incomplete xml file
- Better performance when duplicating a model
- When comparing model control streams, parent model is shown as first on the list
- Honor reference model in drop down when duplicating instead of defaulting to parent model
# v0.0.7 (March 13th, 2022)
Added two new plot types
- Parameter distribution/correlations
- Covariate distribution/correlations
Model library now live with more model templates added
Batch find and replace across models (magnifying glass icon on left menu)
Project export feature
- Ability to export final/key models and data to flat file directory or new Finch project
Ability to switch between models when in the evaluate tab to easily compare results between models
Covariates for output plots are now identified from cotab and catab.
Fixed axes now available to more plot types
Tooltip is now available to more plots types
Added more snippets to code completion
Fixed bug when duplicating model with multiple omega block that put final estimates in wrong place in child control stream.
Performance improvements when working with large datasets
# v0.0.6 (January 1st, 2022)
Functionality for defining custom commands
Added queue for running process
- Ability to set maximum number of running processes
Ability to toggle hide fixed omega parameters in final estimates table
Omega and sigma parameter names are now shown in final estimates table and model comparisn table
CV% is now shown in model comparison table with ability to use simple or full method for the calculation
When in comparison editor mode, both model names are now shown on the top bar
Fixed issue that prevented other models from being read in when there was an problem with one xml file
Various bug fixes and UI enhancements
# v0.0.4 (September 7th, 2021)
End user liscense agreement added (displayed during installation)
Options for displaying BLQ values in ind fit plots
Functionaility to toggle display of points, lines, and trend lines in plots
Initial estimates panel now displays names for ETAs and SIGMAs
When multiple OMEGA and/or SIGMA blocks are present, you can now view all of them with arrows in inital estimates panel
Toggle between covariances and correlations when block matrices present
Plot enhancements
Ability to select X and Y axis variables
- e.g. can use TSFD instead of TIME as independent variable
Ability to select compartment
- Need CMT column in dataset
Additional flexibility in stratifying/coloring/filtering plots with the ability to now stratify by variables that are not constant within an inidividual ('cat-var')
In data mapping, select
for any variable you wish to color/stratify/filterUse cases include variables such as
, treatment period, dosing day, or time-varying categorical covariate.
User's R version now defaults to their latest installed version
# v0.0.3 (August 23rd, 2021)
Collapsible view for model results
- Ability to collapse children of a parent model based on reference models
Copy to clipboard button for final model parameters
- Model parameters, units, and RSE are copied to the clipboard. Paste directly into excel to get in MS office table format (then you can paste into MS powerpoint or word)
Plot enhancements:
Legends are included when coloring plots
Better order for stratified plots
- For example,
DOSE: 25 mg
would come beforeDOSE: 125 mg
- For example,
Covariate panels on right side of plots are now collapsible
Ability to turn on/off all groups of a covariate with a toggle
Improved look of plot settings panel
# v0.0.2 (August 10th, 2021)
UI improvements to more easily see what model tabs are open
- More space between editors and clearer model title
Advanced Delete modal to delete specific files/directories across all models
- Accessed through right-click on model in left panel
Dataset no longer needs to be named NM_data.csv (but still must be .csv) and user can switch between datasets
Multi-select (Ctrl + Click) and associated batch actions (delete, color, send to compare, open)
Ctrl + Shift + Click opens models side by side
Etas with signficant p-value for etabar are shown in yellow in final parameters estimates table
- Hovering over OM(n,n) in final estimates will show Eta-bar and p-value
When duplicating model, default name iterates numbering/lettering from parent model (e.g. one-cmt-v1 -> one-cmt-v2)
Added option to fix parameter estimates when duplicating
NONMEM estimation errors/warning messages after run are displayed under final estimates
Control streams when comparing if diff editor are switched (original on left, comparator on right)
.ext file is outputted to main model folder
Minor bug fixes
- Data mapping is reset when switching projects
# v0.0.1 (July 29th, 2021)
- Initial internal release